Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Farewell Fishbowl...

I have always said that living at 807 E. Broadway Street in Sweetwater has made me feel like living in a fishbowl. Why, you ask? Because Broadway Street is the MAIN road through this tiny town we call home, and my house sits in the middle of a commercial district that includes the Chamber of Commerce, a State Farm Insurance Agency, and oh yea, Pizza Hut. (Nothing like having your home described as, "You know, the one across the street from Pizza Hut"....Classy.) There are two random houses that were built at the first of the 20th century, and they have remained to this day. Let me say that I LOVE this house. I could go on and on about how attached I am to the place that Cody and I have called "home" for 7 years. I cried on the day we signed the papers to purchase it because I was so happy and felt so "grown up". We have laughed here, cried here, had 3 precious babies here (well, not literally, but you know what I mean) and made too many memories to count. Every fall, tons of people come to sit on my wrap-around porch and drink lemonade and watch the Homecoming Parade go by because it's the best seat in town. And speaking of porches, its the best one around for watching lightning storms roll in from the west...one of Cody and I's favorite things to do together. So, like I was saying, it's a GREAT house that I have come to love immensely. BUT, the one downside to living here is that it is on BROADWAY street, and so everyone in town knows exactly what's going down at the Paty house at all times. For example, when we first moved here, I had purchased some furniture at Haverty's in Abilene. When the delivery truck came to deliver my new furniture, I actually had a handful of people say to me, "I saw that you bought some furniture...what did you get?" EXCUSE ME? Hence, the fishbowl description.
Yesterday was a pivotal day for the Paty's at 807 E. Broadway...we have officially put our house on the market to sell. We have purchased a lot across town (in a real neighborhood...with kids and a place to ride bikes, and there are more than 2 houses on the street...it's the little things that make a girl's heart flutter) and we are preparing to build a new home to house these little ones. Now that we know our family is complete, we have outgrown this house and are ready to get settled into something a little more...kid friendly. Let's just say that the original 1908 crystal doorknobs on the doors will probably look much better when they are not smeared with marker or chocolate chip cookies...
So, all of that to say, I am preparing to bid farewell to my fishbowl. We will forever cherish the memories here, but are looking forward to taking our 3 little fish to a bigger pond....


Phillips Family said...

I am excited for you about the new house but will be sad to see the old one go....Tobe and I love that old house. And how handy to be able to walk across the street to fetch a pizza rather than waiting on a delivery person???

Traci said...

As you know, Timmy and I think your house is grand! Fishbowl? Think of it as more of a way for friends to keep in touch. So, does this mean you'll be 5 more minutes away so that we will NEVER see you?
We love you guys and miss our visits at the Fishbow.

The Speck family said...

OH MY WORD~ That is super exciting for you guys! I too will miss your house because it has SO much personality and history and character. I'm sure you guys are super pumped about building and getting your kiddos settled into a neighborhood, etc. I need some pics of the new lot and house as soon as you have them :). I got your message and will call you back SOON....love you guys! Please kiss the 3 babies for me. Kell

kristi@ishouldbemoppingthefloor said...

Oh wow. Tears. It has been a few years since I have been to your place, but oh my...just thinking of you leaving there is so bittersweet. I completely understand though, especially with the little ones. What a beautiful home you and Cody made from the get-go. Such character and warm memories from the day the first box hit the floor. And your amazing hospitality has seeped into every ounce of your home as well as all of Sweetwater I imagine. You are the ultimate domestic diva (you did teach me how to make mashed potatoes in our Ruswood days) and I have no doubt that your new digs will be just as awesome. Can't wait to see pics of the new abode!
Blessings & Hugs.

Ashley said...

Yeah! Have fun in your new home and getting ready to build. What a fun time!

Shanta said...

Congratulations Patys! I love that house too. It was a good B&B when the Murrays needed to get out of town. I especially loved the vicinity to the fire department, so when you called 911 that time, it was about 12 seconds for them to run across the street. Hey, I saw Pizza Hut deliver a pizza to you earlier. What kind did you get?